Hello, I’m JOnathan

A Digital marketing manager

Digital performance

Providing the right message to the right audience through premium digital experiences and tight budget control, thus driving growth/sales



Digital Strategy

I led the digital departments of 2 international premium brands (Strategy, Execution, Recruitment, Management, Budget)

SEO Strategy

6 years of full ownership with tangible results with Google, Bing, Yandex

International Profile

Born in Tahiti, lived on 4 continents, studied in the UK and the US and worked 6 years at international level

Traffic Acquisition

9 years of experience in CRM, SEA, Display, Social, Social ads, and CRO

Soft Skills

Strong business acumen, analytic mindset, team player, ‘test and learn’ way of working, resiliency


Strong expertise in the data cycle, from collection to visualisation. Google Analytics 4 Certification





Make Your Digital Touchpoints grow.

I certainly will.

Increase Conversion Rates


Enhancing your experience: my commitment to elevating conversion rates with simple, effective techniques. Let’s create a more engaging journey for every visitor.

Increase performance
Improving your stay on my site: I'm focused on reducing bounce rates by offering engaging, valuable content. Let's make every visit more meaningful and enjoyable.

Reduce Bounce Rate

Improving your stay on my site: I’m focused on reducing bounce rates by offering engaging, valuable content. Let’s make every visit more meaningful and enjoyable.

Drive More Traffic

Optimising website content for search engines and leveraging targeted advertising significantly increases online visibility, driving more traffic
Turn your traffic into loyal customers and return visitors. Don’t miss out!

Interested about DIGITAL TRENDS?

Have a look at my blog

The Evolution of SEO with Generative AI

           The digital marketing has always been a fertile ground for innovation and evolution. At the forefront of this ever-changing arena stands Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a key player in the success of any online presence....

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